Saturday, December 17, 2011

Helpful supplies

Now is the time when we should all begin to prepare for the worst. With the unknown rapidly approaching and the ever crumbling state our world is in, a person never knows when their preparation will come in handy. Here are some practical supplies you can get that will come in extremely handy when the hammer falls and the plug gets pulled.
If you visit you can a variety of items at an extremely discounted rate. When it comes to shopping for the apocalypse it is definitely in your best interest to save every penny you can. I mean after all you still have to survive in this by paying bills and providing for your family.
So I will attempt to feature new items that can be a necessity at a very cheap price.
This weeks feature is a 3 compartment caddy from You can follow this link to view it at
These items can be great for organizational needs. Lets say for example you are living in a bunker and have an abundance of supplies laying everywhere. I know it is hard to imagine, but when the time comes your wife will thank me.
So don't say I didn't warn you. Hopefully these times never come to pass, but I do not think we could get so lucky.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Making a dorm room look cooler on a budget

Guest post written by Shelia Brown

I remember back when i was in college, I put up a whole bunch of posters in my dorm room with my roommate to try and make it look a lot cooler. I'm pretty sure there was a Duran Duran poster in there. But I think that for my daughter's tastes, it's going to take a little more than some band posters to make her feel at home.

She's so picky about what she wears and how she decorates, but I want to make sure that we decorate her dorm room accordingly. While I was looking up some stuff online about helping her decorate her dorm room, I ran across the website and after I looked through it a little bit, I decided to change over my home internet service to it.

I found some really great resources that she was pretty enthusiastic about, so we decided to order some simllar stuff for her. I know that I have to let her choose the stuff for her to be happy about it, but it doesn't hurt to make some good recommendations.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

5 basic survival skills

5 BASIC SURVIVAL SKILLS by Patrick E. McHugh  Fire | Shelter | Signaling | Food & Water | First Aid  There are 5 Basic Outdoor Survival Skills that everyone who ventures into the Outdoors should understand and be fully aware of their potential need and use. This is a just brief outline, not a full explanation of all the requirements and items required in each category.  One of the most important elements to survival is between your ears, your brain.  DO NOT PANIC, use your wits and practice all elements of the 5 Basics before you may need to rely on them.  FIRE can purify water, cook food, signal rescuers, provide warmth, light and comfort, help keep predators at a distance, and can be a most welcome friend and companion.  Each and every person who ventures into the Outdoors should have a minimum of two ways to start a fire with them, one on their person at all times and the other with their gear.  A few small fires provides more heat than one large fire.  Collect firewood you think you will need for the night and then collect the same amount again, experience shows you will need it.  Conserve fuel by making a "star fire" where the ends of large logs meet in the fire only, push inward as more fuel is needed.  Make a reflector from your SPACE BLANKET on the back wall of a shelter to reflect heat of your survival fire to your back, sit between fire and back shelter wall.    SHELTER is the means by which you protect your body from excess exposure from the sun, cold, wind, rain or snow.  Anything that takes away or adds to your overall body temperature can be your enemy.  Clothing is the first line of shelter protection, have the right clothes for the right environment.  Always have a hat. Try and keep the layer closest to your body dry.   Layers trap air and are warmer than one thick garment.  Do not expend energy making a shelter if nature provides one.  Practice building a quick lean-to shelter in case you can not find your campsite, do not wait until you need to make one.  Use a SPACE  BLANKET to prevent dampness or to insulate your shelter or to wrap yourself up in a sitting or squat position to concentrate your body core heat.    SIGNALING is having available the means and ability to alert any and all potential rescuers that you are in need of HELP.  Fire, flashing light, bright color markers, flags, mirrors, whistles all will help you be found.  Three fires in a triangular form are a recognized distress signal.  Carefully bank your signal fires to prevent igniting surrounding area.  Use regular signal mirrors only when you can see a plane, or people in the distance.  Use EMERGENCY STROBE light at night to help attract attention from those that may be in the area.  Make smoky fire with organic material over the fire during the day to attract attention.  Lay out ground to air signal in open field, S.O.S. from rocks, logs or colored clothing, whatever will be seen against the background.  Most search and rescue parties use aircraft as a primary method of sighting.  FOOD/WATER are vital towards your survival.  Ration your sweat not your water intake.  Try to drink only in the cool of the evening. You can live up to three days without water. DO NOT eat plants you do not know.  Never drink urine.  Always assume that you will need extra food and water when you plan your trip.  Pack energy bars and candy in your pockets at all time, just in case.  If possible boil all water 10 minutes plus one minute for every 1000 feet above sea level.  Strain water through your handkerchief to remove large particles.  Try to drink only in the cool of the evening.  Never wait until you are without water to collect it.  Have some poly zip bags to collect and store water.  Never eat any wild berries that you are not sure of what they are.    You can catch rain water in your SPACE BLANKET by laying it out in a trench.  FIRST AID is not just the basic medical needs, it is the primary way in which you act to survive. DO NOT PANIC, remain calm and do what you have to do to take care of YOU. STOP means Sit, Think, Observe, and Plan.  It is the most intelligent thing you can do when you realize you are lost or stranded.  The most important element is to keep your brain functioning rationally, this is basic first aid for survival.  Analyze your needs before every trip, create a medical checklist and carry a small personal kit with you at all times.  Most survival situations require only dressing for small cuts, bruises and personal medication needs, make sure you know what you have with you and how to use it.  Do not over pack, pack what you feel you will need to carry with you at all times. Concentrate on being found, pack a picture of your family in with your gear to remind you of the reasons to remain calm and to survive.  Prevent hypothermia by insulating yourself in a SPACE BLANKET.  

Sleeping outside without a tent

Livin' Off The Land (American Survival Guide...June 1996) How to Spend the Night Outdoors Without a Sleeping Bag or Tent By Christopher Nyerges  You can let a camper take all the gear they want, but I've learned that four items provide the strongest link to "civilization."  Thus, the hiker who wants to be the most self-sufficient should learn how nature can provide these items:  food, matches, toilet paper, and a sleeping bag.  The availability of these four items provides a psychological link to our ordered, "regular" world we call civilization.  Take away these four and you can start to develop genuine survival skills.  1)  Food-The art of finding food in the outdoors requires specialized knowledge of both plants and animals.  Although this could take a lifetime to truly master, one can begin to reduce the amount of food brought along on outings little by little as new skills are learned.  2)  Fire-Making fire without matches isn't easy, but it can be done utilizing a variety of principles such as focusing or concentrating the sun's rays (magnifying glass, camera, binoculars, the lens of a flashlight, etc), or by friction (various bow and drill devices, flint and steel, etc.) or with any of several other unique methods which might involve a firearm or flaregun, your car, or flashlight batteries. Once you learn the principles involves in any of these, it's just a  matter of time and practice before you can effectively produce a fire without matches.  3) Toilet paper-Of course, it's easy to find leaves to use as toilet paper.  This is primarily a psychological hurdle for many people.  4)  No sleeping bag?-Just what are the ways in which we can go without a sleeping bag?  Several hiking companions once expressed surprise when I told them that I frequently go without a sleeping bag on over- night outings.  To many, the idea of no sleeping bag is incomprehensible, impossible, and miserable.  The first time I went without a sleeping bag was simply because I didn't want the bulk and weight.  It was August and I was on a week-long trip in the Angeles National Forest near Los Angeles.  Although the days were hot and dry, the nights in the canyons were cold and windy.  I hadn't realized how cold the nights would be when I left my bag behind.  I  slept in my hammock, my coat being my only cover.  It was much colder than I would have preferred, but I did manage to sleep, more or less. My feet and toes were the coldest, so I wore three pairs of socks on  subsequent nights that week.  With the addition of a very light tarp and the extra socks I slept well for the remainder of the week.  In part, I accomplished this by allowing my body to go into a shiver whenever I began to feel cold.  I'd let my body shiver for about 30 minutes, and that action resulted in enough warmth to allow me to get back to sleep.  Although my hitchhiking days are over, I did discover many useful things during my wanderings up and down the California coast.  I spent several nights sleeping in hollow trees in Northern California.  A tube tent is an excellent camping companion because it's light, non-bulky, inexpensive and you can also use it as a ground cover.  I've spent many nights under the protection of a tube tent's cover, and have stayed dry even in downpours.  Desiring to travel light, I simply wound never carry a heavy tent, but the small tube tent works fine in most conditions.  I've also spent nights with an emergency blanket for shelter.  Yes, it provides some small level of "shelter" and it does help you to retain some body heat.  But let's not kid ourselves-the emergency space blanket is a notch better than nothing and that means you will still be very cold during the winter.  The first truly primitive method of sleeping outdoors without a sleeping bag that I've practiced is the use of "body hollows" as taught at TWI Survival Training outings.  These are body-sized holes, dug about three to four feet deep, and about a foot longer and wider than your body. The hollow is lined with as much soft grass and leaves that you can find.  Then, once inside the hollow, you pull more material onto your body to provide even more insulation.  There are numerous variations on the body hollow, such as digging the hollows outward from a central fire pit so the coals keep you warm at night.  In the summertime, you can often just sleep by the fire with no shelter at all.  Even in the summer, it can get very cold at night.  In general, three feet of insulating material will keep you warm even in freezing temperatures.  If rain is likely, the walls of your shelter should be more steeply pitched and matted down.  You should mat down the layers of grass and other insulation from the bottom up, much like the rows of shingles are placed on a house roof in order to shed rain.  It will take at least three feet of natural materials to shed rain.  Never cut live trees to make a shelter.  The woods are full of dead material that is excellent for shelter making.  An emergency shelter should always be very small.  They are the ones that keep you warm.  Get into the shelter regularly as you are making it.  Make sure it fits you, but is not too big.  The inside should be snug and up to three feet thick with branches and leaves and grass.  Two or three bodies together will stay warmer than one alone.  A lean to generally begins with a tripod of poles.  The front two poles are shorter and the third pole is a longer ridge pole.  You the  lay poles on the ridge pole until you have nearly covered it and begin adding smaller material, such as branches, leaves, etc.  The space between the two smaller poles of the tripod will be the opening.  

Trap and Snare diagrams

Basic Trap and Snare Diagrams

For more info visit

Army Ranger Handbook - coordiators checklist

2-7. COORDINATION CHECKLISTS. The following checklists are items that a platoon/squad leader must check when
planning for a combat operation. In some cases, he will coordinate directly with the appropriate staff section, in most cases this
information will be provided by the company commander or platoon leader. The platoon/squad leader, to keep him from
overlooking anything that may be vital to his mission, may carry copies of these checklists:
Figure 2-7. Intelligence coordination checklist
Figure 2-8. Operations coordination checklist
Figure 2-9. Fire support coordination checklist
Figure 2-10. Coordination with forward unit checklist
Figure 2-11. Adjacent unit coordination checklist
Figure 2-12. Rehearsal area coordination checklist
Figure 2-13. Army aviation coordination checklist
Figure 2-14. Vehicular movement coordination checklist
In this coordination, the leader is informed of any changes in the situation as given in the operation order of mission briefing.
He must keep himself constantly updated to ensure the plan is sound:
1. Identification of enemy unit.
2. Weather and light data.
3. Terrain update.
a. Aerial photos.
b. Trails and obstacles not on map.
4. Known or suspected enemy locations.
5. Weapons.
6. Probable course of action.
7. Recent enemy activities.
8. Reaction time of reaction forces.
9. Civilians on the battlefield.
10. Update to CCIR.
This coordination occurs with the platoon leader/company commander so that the platoon/squad leader can confirm his
mission and operational plan, receive any last-minute changes to his mission or plan, and to update his subordinates or issue
a FRAGO, if required:
1. Mission backbrief.
2. Identification of friendly units.
3. Changes in the friendly situation.
4. Route selection, LZ/PZ/DZ selection.
5. Linkup procedures.
6. Transportation/movement plan.
7. Resupply (in conjunction with S4).
8. Signal plan.
9. Departure and re-entry of forward units.
10. Special equipment requirements.
11. Adjacent units operating in the area of operations.
12. Rehearsal areas.
13. Method of insertion/extraction.
The platoon/squad leader will normally coordinate the following with the platoon forward observer (FO):
1. Mission backbrief.
2. Identification of supporting unit.
3. Mission and objective.
4. Route to and from the objective (include alternate routes).
5. Time of departure and expected time of return.
6. Unit target list (from fire plan).
7. Type of available support (artillery, mortar, naval gunfire, and aerial support to include Army, Navy, and Air Force) and
their locations.
8. Ammunition available (to include different fuses).
9. Priority of fires.
10. Control measures.
a. Checkpoints.
b. Boundaries.
c. Phase lines.
d. Fire support coordination measures.
e. Priority targets (target list).
f. RFA (restrictive fire area).
g. RFL (restrictive fire line).
h. NFA (no-fire areas).
i. Precoordinated authentication.
11. Communication (include primary and alternate means, emergency signals and code words).
A platoon/squad that requires foot movement through a friendly forward unit must coordinate with that unit’s commander for a
safe and orderly passage. If no time and place has been designated for coordination with the forward unit, the platoon/squad
leader should set a time and place when he coordinates with the S-3. He must talk with someone at the forward unit who has
the authority to commit that unit in assisting the platoon/squad during departure. Coordination entails a two-way exchange of
1. Identification (yourself and your unit).
2. Size of platoon/squad.
3. Time(s) and place(s) of departure and return, location(s) of departure point(s), ERRP, and detrucking points.
4. General area of operations.
5. Information on terrain and vegetation.
6. Know or suspected enemy positions or obstacles.
7. Possible enemy ambush sites.
8. Latest enemy activity.
9. Detailed information on friendly positions such as crew-served weapons, FPF.
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10. Fire and barrier plan.
a. Support the unit can furnish. How long and what can they do?
(1) Fire support.
(2) Litter teams.
(3) Navigational signals and aids.
(4) Guides.
(5) Communications.
(6) Reaction units.
(7) Other.
b. Call signs and frequencies.
c. Pyrotechnic plan.
d. Challenge and password, running password, number combination.
e. Emergency signals and code words.
f. If the unit is relieved, pass the information to the relieving unit.
g. Recognition signals.
Immediately after the operation order of mission briefing, the platoon/squad leader should check with other platoon/squad
leaders who will be operating in the same areas. If the leader is not aware of any other units operating is his area, he should
check with the S3 during the operations coordination. The S3 can help arrange this coordination if necessary. The
platoon/squad leaders should exchange the following information with other units operating in the same area:
1. Identification of the unit.
2. Mission and size of unit.
3. Planned times and points of departure and reentry.
4. Route(s).
5. Fire support and control measures.
6. Frequencies and call signs.
7. Challenge and password, running password, number combination.
8. Pyrotechnic plan.
9. Any information that the unit may have about the enemy.
10. Recognition signals.
This coordination is conducted with the platoon leader/company commander to facilitate the unit’s safe, efficient and effective
use of rehearsal area prior to its mission:
1. Identification of your unit.
2. Mission.
3. Terrain similar to objective site.
4. Security of the area.
5. Availability of aggressors.
6. Use of blanks, pyrotechnics, and ammunition.
7. Mock-ups available.
8. Time the area is available (preferably when light conditions approximate light conditions of patrol).
9. Transportation.
10. Coordination with other units using area.
This coordination is conducted with the platoon leader/company commander and/or S3 Air to facilitate the time, detailed and
effective use of aviation assets as they apply to your tactical mission:
a. Enemy Situation.
(1) Enemy air capability.
(2) Enemy ADA capability.
(3) Include in Weather: Percent illum, illum angle, NVG window, ceiling, and visibility.
b. Friendly Situation.
(1) Unit(s) supporting operation, Axis of movement/corridor/routes.
(2) Friendly ADA status.
a. Concept of the Operation. Overview of what requesting unit wants to accomplish with the air assault/air movement.
b. Tasks to Combat Units.
(1) Infantry.
(2) Attack aviation.
c. Tasks to Combat Support Units.
(1) Artillery.
(2) Aviation (lift).
d. Coordinating Instructions.
(1) Pickup Zone.
• Direction of landing.
• Time of landing/flight direction.
• Location of PZ/alternate PZ.
• Loading procedures.
• Marking of PZ (panel, smoke, SM, lights).
• Flight route planned (SP, ACP, RP).
• Formations: PZ, en route, LZ.
• Code words:
-- PZ secure (prior to landing), PZ clear (lead bird and last bird).
-- Alternate PZ (at PZ, en route, LZ), names of PZ/alt PZ.
• TAC air/artillery.
• Number of pax per bird and for entire lift.
• Equipment carried by individuals.
• Marking of key leaders.
• Abort criteria (PZ, en route, LZ).
(2) Landing Zone.
• Direction of landing.
• False insertion plans.
• Time of landing (LZ time).
• Location of LZ and Alternate LZ.
• Marking of LZ (panel, smoke, SM, lights).
• Formation of landing.
• Code words, LZ name, alternate LZ name.
• TAC air/artillery preparation, fire support coordination.
• Secure LZ or not?
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a. Number of aircraft per lift and number of lifts.
b. Refuel/rearm during mission or not?
c. Special equipment/aircraft configuration for weapons carried by unit personnel.
d. Bump plan.
a. Frequencies, call signs and code words.
b. Locations of air missions commander ground tactical commander, and air assault task force commander.
This is coordinated with the supporting unit through the platoon sergeant/first sergeant to facilitate the effective, detailed, and
efficient use of vehicular support and/or assets:
1. Identification of the unit.
2. Supporting unit identification.
3. Number and type of vehicles and tactical preparation.
4. Entrucking point.
5. Departure/loading time.
6. Preparation of vehicles for movement.
a. Driver responsibilities.
b. Platoon/squad responsibilities.
c. Special supplies/equipment required.
7. Availability of vehicles for preparation/rehearsals/inspection (time and location).
8. Routes.
a. Primary.
b. Alternate.
c. Checkpoints.
9. Detrucking points.
a. Primary.
b. Alternate.
10. March internal/speed.
11. Communications (frequencies, call signs, codes).

Army Ranger Handbook - Operations Orders

Army Rangers Operations Orders
2-4. OPERATIONS ORDER. An operations order (OPORD) is a directive issued by a leader to his subordinates in order to effect
the coordinated execution of a specific operation. A five-paragraph format (shown below) is used to organize the briefing, to ensure
completeness, and to help subordinate leaders understand and follow the order. Use a terrain model or sketch along with a map to
explain the order. When possible, such as in the defense, give the order while observing the objective. The platoon/squad leader
briefs his OPORD orally off notes that follow the five-paragraph format. Before the issuance of the OPORD, the leader ensures that
the following resources are in place: pencil, pen, paper; RHB; map; protractor; leader’s monitor. Then he calls roll and says "Please
hold all questions till the end." Figure 2-4 shows an example OPORD format. Figure 2-5 shows an OPORD shell.
[Plans and orders normally contain a code name and are numbered consecutively within a calendar year.]
References: [The heading of the plan or order includes a list of maps, charts, datum, or other related documents the unit will
need to understand the plan or order. The user need not reference the SOP, but may refer to it in the body of the plan or order.
He refers to a map by map series number (and country or geographic area, if required), sheet number and name, edition, and
scale, if required. "Datum" refers to the mathematical model of the earth that applies to the coordinates on a particular map. It is
used to determine coordinates. Different nations use different datum for printing coordinates on their maps. The datum is
usually referenced in the marginal information of each map.]
Time zone used throughout the order: The time zone used throughout the order (including annexes and appendixes) is the time
zone applicable to the operation. Operations across several time zones use Zulu time.
Task organization: Describe the allocation of forces to support the commander's concept. Task organization may be shown in
one of two places: preceding paragraph one, or in an annex, if the task organization is long and complicated.
*Weather and light data, and general forecast (Only discuss what will affect your patrol. Note effects on friendly and enemy
personnel and equipment.):
Wind Speed
Moon Phase
Wind Direction
Percent Illumination
*This is the information the leader received from higher's OPORD.
Terrain: Make a statement concerning the effects terrain will have on both friendly and enemy forces in the area of operation
using the OAKOC format.
a. Enemy Forces. The enemy situation in higher headquarters’ OPORD (paragraph 1a) is the basis for this, but the
leader refines this to provide the detail required by his subordinates.
(1) Enemy’s composition, disposition, strength.
(2) Recent activities.
(3) Known/suspected locations and capabilities.
(4) Describe the enemy's most likely and most dangerous course of action on a map.
b. Friendly Forces. This information is in paragraphs 1b, 2, and 3 of higher headquarters’ OPORD.
(1) State the mission of the Higher Unit (2 levels up).
(2) State the mission of the Higher Unit (1 level up).
(3) State intent 2 levels up.
(4) State locations of units to the left, right, front, and rear. State those units’ tasks and purposes; and say how those
units will influence your unit's patrol.
(a) Show other units locations on map board.
(b) Include statements about the influence each of the above patrols will have on your mission, if any.
• Obtain this information from higher’s OPORD. It gives each leader an idea of what other units are doing
and where they are going. This information is in paragraph 3a (1) (execution, concept of the operation,
• Also include any information obtained when the leader conducts adjacent unit coordination.
c. Attachments and Detachments. Do not repeat information already listed under Task Organization. Try to put all
information in the Task Organization. However, when not in the Task Organization, list units that are attached or detached to
the headquarters that issues the order. State when attachment or detachment is to be effective if different from when the
OPORD is effective, such as on order, on commitment of the reserve). Use the term “remains attached” when units will be or
have been attached for some time.
2. MISSION. State the mission derived during the planning process. There are no subparagraphs in a mission statement.
Include the 5 W's: Who, What (task), Where, When, and Why (purpose).
• Make it a clear and concise statement and read it twice.
• Go to map and point out the exact location of the OBJ and point out the unit’s present location.
3. EXECUTION. State the commander’s intent.
a. Concept of Operation. The concept statement should be concise and clear. It describes how the unit will accomplish
its mission from start to finish. The number of subparagraphs, if any, is based on what the leader considers appropriate for the
level of leadership and complexity of the operation. Generally, the concept should describe the form of maneuver or defensive
technique and critical events; identify what the decisive point of the operation is and why; describe the task and purpose for the
main effort and supporting efforts; state the purpose of the warfighting functions, such as engineers, fire support, or
intelligence; define acceptable risk; and identify the desired endstate. After stating the desired endstate, leaders should talk
through the concept of the operation like a story, using a simple sketch to help them convey the information. Figure 1 shows
the six warfighting functions (WFF):
Figure 1. Warfighting functions.
• Fire support
• Movement and Maneuver
• Protection
• Command and Control
• Intelligence
• Sustainment (formerly called "CSS")
(1) Maneuver. The maneuver paragraph details the mechanics of the operations. This subparagraph specifically
addresses all subordinate units and attachments by name, giving each its mission in the form of a task and purpose. The main
effort’s mission must be supported by the subordinate unit’s missions. Actions on the objective will comprise the majority of this
paragraph and should include a detailed plan for engagement/disengagement criteria, an alternate plan in the event of
compromise or unplanned movement of enemy forces, and a withdrawal plan.
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(2) Fires. State scheme of fires to support the overall concept. This paragraph should state which maneuver unit has
priority of fires. Fires should be planned using the PLOT-CR format (purpose, location, observer, trigger, communication
method, resources). A target list worksheet and overlay are referenced here, if applicable. Specific targets are discussed and
pointed out on the terrain model (see Chapter 3, Fire Support).
(3) Casualty Evacuation.
(a) Plan. State a detailed CASEVAC plan during each phase of the operation. Include CCP locations, tentative
extraction points, and methods of extraction.
b. Tasks to Maneuver Units. Clearly state the missions or tasks for each maneuver unit that reports directly to the
headquarters issuing the order. List the units in the task organization, including reserves. Use a separate subparagraph for
each maneuver unit. Only state the tasks that are necessary for comprehension, clarity, and emphasis. Place tactical tasks that
affect two or more units in Coordinating Instructions (subparagraph 3d). Platoon leaders task their subordinate squads. Those
squads may be tasked to provide any of the following special teams: reconnaissance and security, assault, support, aid and
litter, EPW and search, clearing, and demolitions. Detailed instructions may also be given to the platoon sergeant, RTO,
compassman, and paceman.
(1) Tasks to Combat Support Units. Add subparagraphs here only as necessary. List CS units in subparagraphs
from the task organization. Use CS subparagraphs to list only those specific tasks that CS units must accomplish and that are
not specified or implied elsewhere. Include organization for combat if not clear from task organization.
c. Coordinating Instructions. This is always the last subparagraph under paragraph 3. List only the instructions that
apply to two or more units, and which are seldom covered in unit SOPs. Refer the user to an annex for more complex
instructions. The following information is required:
1. Time schedule (state time, place, uniform, and priority of rehearsals, backbriefs, inspections,
and movement).
2. Give the commander's critical information requirements (CCIR), which includes priority
intelligence requirements (PIR), essential elements of friendly information (EEFI), and friendly force
information requirements (FFIR):
a. PIR is intelligence that the commander must have for planning and decision making.
b. EEFI are critical aspects of friendly operations that, if known by the enemy, would
compromise, lead to failure, or limit success of the operation.
c. FFIR include what the commander needs to know about friendly forces available for the
operation. It can include personnel status, ammunition status, and leadership capabilities.
3. Risk reduction control measures. These are measures unique to the operation. They
supplement the unit SOP and can include mission-oriented protective posture, operational
exposure guidance, vehicle recognition signals, and fratricide prevention measures.
4. Rules of engagement (ROE).
5. Environmental considerations.
6. Force protection
7. Movement plan. Use terrain model, sketch, or both. State azimuths, directions, and grid
coordinates. Use names of real Rangers on the sketches.
a. Sketch out the order of movement, the formation, and the movement technique.
b. Sketch actions at halts (long and short).
c. Routes (use terrain model):
1) Orient the terrain model (North, South, East, and West).
2) Identify the grid lines, both North-South and East-West.
3) Brief the legend.
4) Box in the AO with distinguishable natural or man-made terrain features such as
roads, ridgelines, rivers, and streams.
5) Brief all the routes depicted on the terrain model from start to finish using specific
azimuths and distance.
a) The primary route from the start point to the ORP, from the ORP to the objective,
and from the objective to the patrol base while describing the terrain over which the squad/platoon
will travel. (Include near/far side rally points for danger areas.)
b) The alternate route from the start point to the ORP, from the ORP to the
objective, and from the objective to the patrol base while describing the terrain over which the
squad/platoon will travel. (Include near/far side rally points for danger areas.)
6) Brief the fire support plan (if not given in fires paragraph). When covering fires the
leader should cover the following (PLOT-CR):
• Purpose.
• Location and terrain feature to the targets.
• Observer.
• Trigger.
• Communication method.
• Resources.
7) State where the sterile fire support overlay is being carried.
a) Rally points and actions at all rally points (include grid location and terrain
reference, and use sketch).
b) Actions at danger areas. This is a general plan for unknown linear, small open
areas and large open areas; specific plan for all known danger areas that unit will encounter along
the route (use sketch).
c) Actions on enemy contact; battle drills (use sketch).
4. SERVICE SUPPORT. Address service support in the areas shown below as needed to clarify the service support concept.
Subparagraphs can include:
a. General. Refer to the SOPs that govern the sustainment operations of the unit. Provide current and proposed
company trains locations, casualty, and damaged equipment collection points and routes.
b. Materiel and Services.
(1) Supply.
Class I--Rations plan.
Class III--Petroleum.
Class V--Ammunition.
Class VII--Major end items.
Class VIII--Medical.
Class IX--Repair parts.
Distribution Methods.
(2) Transportation.
(3) Services. (Laundry and showers.)
(4) Maintenance. (Weapons and equipment.)
(a) Medical Evacuation and Hospitalization. Method of evacuating dead and wounded, friendly and enemy
personnel. Include priorities and location of CCP.
(b) Personnel Support. Method of handling EPWs and designation of the EPW collection point.
This paragraph states where command and control facilities and key leaders are located during the operation. Use the OPORD
shell to save time and organize your thoughts while preparing an OPORD.
a. Command.
• Location of the higher unit commander and CP.
• Location of key personnel and CP during each phase of the operation.
2 - 19
• Succession of command.
• Adjustments to the patrol SOP.
b. Signal.
• SOI index in effect.
• Methods of communication in priority.
• Pyrotechnics and signals, to include arm and hand signals (demonstrate).
• Code words such as OPSKEDs.
• Challenge and password (use behind friendly lines).
• Number combination (use forward of friendly lines).
• Running password.
• Recognition signals (near/far and day/night).
c. Special Instructions to RTOs.
d. Actions after Issuance of OPORD--
(1) Issue annexes.
(2) Give time hack.
(3) ASK for questions.
Figure 2-5. OPORD SHELL
a. Enemy.
(1) Higher mission:
Cdr's intent:
End state
(2) Units to N, S, E, W.
End state
Cdr's intent:
a. Concept of Operations.
b. Maneuver
c. Tasks to Maneuver Units.
(1) Risk-reduction control measures.
Rules of engagement.
(2) Environmental considerations.
(3) Non-Airborne personnel.
(ME): (SE1): (SE2):
(SE3): (SE4): (SE5):
2 - 21
d. Tasks to Subordinate Units
Coordinating instructions:
Coordinating Instructions.
a. General.
b. Material and Services.
(1) Supply:
Class I.
Class III:
Class V:
Class VIII:
Class IX:
(3) The chain of command is responsible to ensure that
ammo lasts between resupplies.
c. Medical Evacuation.
(1) Air MEDEVAC is on call through [this] frequency.
JP capable; use standard 9-line, 24-hr coverage.
(2) Establish friendly CCPs in AAs. Adjust CCPs as
mission progresses.
(3) Troop medical clinic located vic [this location].
(4) Precedence for evacuation of WIA is US military,
host nation military, host nation civilian, and enemy military.
(5) Precedence for evacuation of KIA is same.
Evacuation of KIA will be as per mission constraints.
d. Personnel.
(1) Method of handling EPWs:
a. Command.
(1) TF CP:
(2) Succession of Command:
b. Signal.
(1) Challenge and Password:
(2) Number Combination:
(3) Running Password:
(4) Recognition:
(a) Far:
(b) Near:
(7) Code word:
(9) Reports. SALUTE to higher on
enemy contact.

Army Ranger Handbook- Operations Guide

Army Ranger Handbook- Operations Guide

This chapter provides techniques and procedures used by Infantry platoons and squads throughout the planning and execution
phases of tactical operations. Specifically, it discusses the troop-leading procedures, combat intelligence, combat orders, and
planning techniques and tools needed to prepare a platoon to fight. These topics are time sensitive and apply to all combat
operations. When they have time, leaders can plan and prepare in depth. If they have less time, they must rely on previously
rehearsed actions, battle drills, and standing operating procedures (SOPs).
Troop leading procedures comprise the following steps. They are what a leader does to prepare his unit to accomplish a tactical
mission. The TLP starts when the leader is alerted for a mission or receives a change or new mission. He can perform Steps 3
through 8 in any order, or at the same time. (He can also use the tools of the tactician shown in Figure 2-1):
1. Receive the mission.
2. Issue a warning order.
3. Make a tentative plan.
4. Initiate movement.
5. Reconnoiter.
6. Complete the plan.
7. Issue the complete order.
8. Supervise.
a. STEP 1--RECEIVE THE MISSION. The leader may receive the mission in a warning order, an operation order (OPORD), or
a fragmentary order (FRAGO). He should use no more than one third of the available time for his own planning and for issuing his
OPORD. The remaining two thirds is for subordinates to plan and prepare for the operation. Leaders should also consider other
factors such as available daylight and travel time to and from orders and rehearsals.
b. STEP 2--ISSUE A WARNING ORDER. The leader provides initial instructions in a warning order. The warning order
contains enough information to begin preparation as soon as possible. The warning order mirrors the five-paragraph OPORD
format. A warning order may include--
• The mission or nature of the operation (mission statement).
• Time and place for issuance of the operation (coordinating instructions).
• Who is participating in the operation (coordinating instructions).
• Time of the operation (timeline).
c. STEP 3--MAKE A TENTATIVE PLAN. The leader uses METT-TC to develop an estimate of the situation, which he will
use as the basis for his tentative plan. This set of actions is referred to as the leader's mission analysis:
(1) Conduct a detailed mission analysis.
(a) Concept and Intent. Higher commanders' concept and intent two levels up. This information is found in paragraph
1b for two levels up and in paragraphs 2 and 3 for one higher.
(b) Unit Tasks. Tasks that are clearly stated in the order (Specified Tasks) or tasks that become apparent as the
OPORD is analyzed (Implied Tasks).
• Retain hill 545 to prevent envelopment of B Co.
• Provide one squad to the 81-mm platoon to carry ammo.
• Establish an OP vic GA124325 NLT 301500 NOV 89.
• Provide security during movement.
• Conduct resupply operations.
• Coordinate with adjacent units.
(c) Unit Limitations. The leader next determines all control measures or instructions in the OPORD that restrict his
freedom of action; these are called limitations. In every operation, there are some limitations on the unit.
Graphic control measures.
Cross the LD at 100030 OCT 94 (time).
MOPP4 in effect (uniform and environmental considerations).
ADA weapons status, tight; warning status, yellow (rules of engagement).
(d) Mission-Essential Task(s). After reviewing all the above factors, the leader identifies his mission-essential task(s).
Failure to accomplish a mission-essential task results in the unit's failure to accomplish its primary purpose for that operation. The
mission essential task should be found in the maneuver paragraph.
(e) Restated Mission. The restated mission statement becomes the focus for the remainder of the estimate process.
This is a clear, concise statement of the mission essential task(s) to be accomplished by the unit and the purpose to be achieved.
The mission statement will state WHO, WHAT (the task), WHEN (the critical time), WHERE (usually a grid coordinate), and WHY
(the purpose the unit must achieve). Some examples of restated missions follow:
2 - 3
(WHO) 1st Platoon attacks (WHAT) to seize (WHERE) HILL 482 vic NB 457371 (OBJ
BLUE) (WHEN) NLT 09050OZ Dec 92 L 482 (WHY) to enable the company's main
effort to destroy enemy command bunker.
(WHO) 1st Platoon, C Company defends (WHAT) to destroy from (WHERE)
AB163456 to AB163486 to AB123486 to AB123456 (WHEN) NLT 28153OZ Oct 97
(WHY) to prevent enemy forces from enveloping B Company, 1-66 Infantry (L) from
the south.
(2) Analyze the situation and develop a course of action. Each COA must be--suitable, acceptable, feasible,
distinguishable, and complete.
(3) Upon developing a COA, the unit leader will assign C2 headquarters, complete generic task organization assigning all
organic and attached elements, and prepare COA statement and sketch.
(4) With the restated mission from Step 1 to provide focus, the leader continues the estimate process using the remaining
factors of METT-TC.
(a) What is known about the ENEMY?
Composition This is an analysis of the forces and weapons that the enemy can
bring to bear. Determine what weapons systems they have
available, and what additional weapons and units are supporting
Disposition The enemy's disposition is how he is arrayed on the terrain, such
as in defensive positions, in an assembly area, or moving in march
Strength Percentage strength.
Recent Activities Identify recent and significant enemy activities that may indicate
future intentions.
Determine positions for reserves and estimated time to
counterattack or reinforce.
Possible Courses
of Action
Determine the enemy's possible COAs. This will help the leader
determine how to best array his own forces against the enemy and
fight the battle.
(b) How will TERRAIN and WEATHER affect the operation? Analyze terrain using OAKOC.
• Observation and Fields of Fire. Determine locations that provide the best observation and fields of fire along
friendly and enemy avenues of approach, near the objective, and on key terrain. The analysis of fields of fire is
mainly concerned with the ability to cover the terrain with direct fire.
• Avenues of Approach. Analyze and identify friendly and enemy avenues of approach. Identify avenues of
approach en route to the objective, on and around the objective, and for possible enemy counterattack. Also,
consider aerial and subterranean avenues.
• How can these avenues support my movement?
• What are the advantages/disadvantages of each? (Consider enemy,
speed, cover, and concealment.)
• What are the likely enemy counterattack routes?
• How can the enemy use these approaches?
• Which avenue is most dangerous? Least? (Prioritize each approach.)
• Which avenues would support a counterattack?
• Cover and Concealment. The analysis of cover and concealment is often inseparable from the fields of fires
and observation. Weapon positions must have both to be effective and to be survivable. Infantry units are
capable of improving poor cover and concealment by digging in and camouflaging their positions. When
moving, the terrain is used to provide cover and concealment.
• Obstacles. Identify the existing and reinforcing obstacles and hindering terrain that will affect mobility.
• Key Terrain. Key terrain is any location or area that the seizure, retention, or control of affords a marked
advantage to either combatant. Using the map, aerial photos, and information already gathered, look for key
terrain that dominates avenues of approach or the objective area. Next, look for decisive terrain that if held or
controlled will have an extraordinary impact on the mission.
(5) Analyze courses of action (war-game). This analysis is conducted by war-gaming friendly courses of action against
the enemy's most probable courses of action. The leader can--and should--war-game with his subordinates.
(6) Compare courses of action. The leader compares the COAs and selects the one that is most likely to accomplish the
assigned mission. He considers the advantages and disadvantages for each COA. He also considers how the critical events impact
on COAs.
(7) Make a decision. The leader selects the COA that he believes has the best chance of accomplishing the mission.
d. STEP 4--START NECESSARY MOVEMENT. The unit may need to begin movement while the leader is still planning or
forward reconnoitering. This step may occur anytime during the TLP.
e. STEP 5--RECONNOITER. If time allows, the leader makes a personal reconnaissance. When time does not allow, the
leader must make a map or aerial photo reconnaissance. Sometimes the leader must rely on others, such as scouts, to conduct the
f. STEP 6--COMPLETE THE PLAN. The leader completes his plan based on the reconnaissance and any changes in
the situation.
g. STEP 7--ISSUE THE COMPLETE ORDER. Platoon and squad leaders normally issue oral operations orders to aid
subordinates in understanding the concept of the mission. Leaders may require subordinates to repeat part of the order,
demonstrate it on a terrain model, or sketch their understanding of the operation. Leaders should also quiz their Rangers to ensure
that all Rangers understand the mission.
h. STEP 8--SUPERVISE AND REFINE. The leader supervises the unit's preparation for combat by conducting rehearsals
and inspections.
(1) Rehearsals. Rehearsals include the practice of having squad leaders brief their planned actions in execution
sequence to the platoon leader. The leader should conduct rehearsals on terrain that resembles the actual ground, and in similar
light conditions. At a minimum, the leader should conduct a backbrief (least preferred), full force rehearsal (most preferred), or
reduced force rehearsal (key leaders), and a rock drill.
(a) Purpose. The leader uses rehearsals to--
• Practice essential tasks (improve performance).
• Reveal weaknesses or problems in the plan.
• Coordinate the actions of subordinate elements.
• Improve Ranger understanding of the concept of the operation (foster confidence in Rangers).
(b) Times and Tasks. The platoon may begin rehearsals of battle drills and other SOP items before the receipt of the
operation order. Once the order has been issued, it can rehearse mission specific tasks. Some important tasks to rehearse include--
• Actions on the objective.
• Assaulting a trench, bunker, or building.
• Actions at the assault position.
• Breaching obstacles (mine and wire).
• Using special weapons or demolitions.
• Actions on unexpected enemy contact.
2 - 5
(c) Types.
• Backbrief.
-- Key leaders sequentially brief the actions required during operation.
-- Patrol leader controls.
-- Conducted twice: right after FRAGO (confirmation brief), and again after subordinates develop
own plan.
• Reduced force.
-- Conducted when time is key constraint.
-- Conducted when security must be maintained.
-- Key leaders normally attend.
-- Mock-ups, sand tables, and small scale replicas used.
• Full force.
-- Most effective type.
-- First executed in daylight and open terrain.
-- Secondly conduct in same conditions as operation.
-- All Rangers participate.
-- May use force on force.
• Techniques.
-- Force on force.
-- Map (limited value and limited number of attendees).
-- Radio (cannot mass leaders; confirms communications).
-- Sand table or terrain model (key leaders; includes all control measures).
-- Rock drill (similar to sand table/terrain model; subordinates actually move themselves). Very effective
for coordinating timing and sequence of events--especially when air assets are used.
(d) Inspections. Squad leaders should conduct initial inspections shortly after receipt of the warning order. The
platoon sergeant spot-checks throughout the unit's preparation for combat. The platoon leader and platoon sergeant make a final
inspection of--
• Weapons and ammunition.
• Uniforms and equipment.
• Mission-essential equipment.
• Soldier's understanding of the mission and their specific responsibilities.
• Communications.
• Rations and water.
• Camouflage.
• Deficiencies noted during earlier inspections.
2-2. COMBAT INTELLIGENCE. Gathering information is one of the most important aspects of conducting patrolling operations. The
following details what information to collect and how to report it:
a. Reports. All information must be quickly, completely, and accurately reported. Use the SALUTE report format for
reporting and recording information.
SIZE – Seven enemy personnel
ACTIVITY – Traveling SW
UNIT/UNIFORM – OD uniforms with red six-point star on left shoulder
TIME – 210200JAN99
EQUIPMENT – Carry one machine gun and one rocket launcher
b. Field Sketches. Try to include a sketch with each report. Include only any aspects of military importance such as targets,
objectives, obstacles, sector limits, or troop dispositions and locations (use symbols from FM 1-02). Use notes to explain the
drawing, but they should not clutter the sketch.
c. Captured Documents. The leader collects documents and turns them in with his reports. He marks each document with
the time and place of capture.
d. Prisoners. If prisoners are captured during a patrolling operation, they should be treated IAW the Geneva Convention and
handled by the 5-S rule:
(1) Search
(2) Silence
(3) Segregate
(4) Safeguard
(5) Speed to rear
e. Debriefs. Immediately upon return from a mission, the unit is debriefed. The intelligence officer will generally have a
unit-specific format for debriefing a patrol.
2-3. WARNING ORDER. Warning orders give subordinates advance notice of upcoming operations. This gives them time to
prepare. A warning order must be brief, but complete. A warning order only authorizes execution when it clearly says so. (Figure 2-2
shows an example format; Figure 2-3 shows an example warning order.)
*Roll call, pencil/pen/paper, RHB, map, protractor, leader’s monitor, hold all questions till the end
References: Refer to higher headquarters’ OPORD, and identify map sheet for operation.
Time Zone Used throughout the Order: (Optional)
Task Organization: (Optional; see paragraph 1c.)
1. SITUATION (Higher’s OPORD para 1a[1]--[3])
a. Enemy Forces. Include significant changes in enemy composition, dispositions, and courses of action. Information
not available for inclusion in the initial WARNO can be included in subsequent warning orders. (who, what, where)
b. Friendly Forces. (Optional) only address if essential to the WARNO.
(1) Higher commander's mission (who, what, where, why).
(2) Higher commander's intent. (Higher’s [go to mapboard] OPORD para 1b[2], give task and purpose)
c. Attachments and Detachments. Initial task organization, only address major unit changes.
(1) Orient relative to each point on the compass.
(2) Box in the entire AO with grid lines.
(3) Trace each Zone using boundaries.
(4) Familiarize by identifying 3 natural (terrain) and 3 man-made features in each zone.
(5) Point out the enemy and friendly locations on the map board.
2. MISSION. State mission twice (who, what, when, where, and why) and concisely state task and purpose.
a. Concept of Operation. Provide as much information as available. The concept should describe the form of maneuver
or defensive technique, critical events, decisive point of the operation and why it is decisive, task and purpose for the main
and supporting efforts, purposes of the warfighting systems, such as engineers, fire support, intelligence etc), acceptable
risk, and the desired endstate. After the desired endstate is stated, leaders should talk through the concept of the operation
like a story. Use a simple sketch to assist in relaying the information.
b. Tasks to Maneuver Units. Provide specified tasks to subordinate units. These are tactical instructions on how to
execute the mission for each element in task organization. Planning guidance consists of tasks assigned to subordinate
units, special teams, and key individuals.
c. Tasks to Combat Support Units. See paragraph 3b.
2 - 7
d. Coordinating Instructions. Include any information available at that time. If you know it, then at least cover--
• Uniform and equipment common to all. Consider the factors of METT-TC and tailor the load
for each Ranger.
• Time line. (State 4 W’s and specified and implied times. Reverse plan. Use 1/3-2/3 rule.)
• Risk guidance.
• Deception guidance.
• Specific priorities, in order of completion.
• Guidance on orders and rehearsals.
• Orders group meeting (attendees, location, and time).
• Earliest movement time and degree of notice.
4. SERVICE SUPPORT. Include any known logistics preparation for the operation.
a. Special equipment. Identify requirements and any coordination measures the unit needs to take to transfer the special
equipment. (State the equipment you will use, need, or want for the mission.)
b. Transportation. Identify requirements and any coordination needed to pre-position assets. (State unit's means of
a. Command. State the chain of command if different from unit SOP.
b. Signal. Identify current SOI edition, and pre-position signal assets to support operation.
• Give subordinates guidance on tasks to complete for preparation of the OPORD and the mission.
• Give time, place, and uniform of the OPORD.
• Give a time hack and ask for questions.

Ranger Standing orders

1. Don't forget nothing.
2. Have your musket clean as a whistle, hatchet scoured, sixty rounds powder and ball, and be ready to march at a minute's
3. When you're on the march, act the way you would if you was sneaking up on a deer. See the enemy first.
4. Tell the truth about what you see and what you do. There is an army depending on us for correct information. You can lie
all you please when you tell other folks about the Rangers, but don't never lie to a Ranger or officer.
5. Don't never take a chance you don't have to.
6. When we're on the march we march single file, far enough apart so one shot can't go through two men.
7. If we strike swamps, or soft ground, we spread out abreast, so it's hard to track us.
8. When we march, we keep moving till dark, so as to give the enemy the least possible chance at us.
9. When we camp, half the party stays awake while the other half sleeps.
10. If we take prisoners, we keep' em separate till we have had time to examine them, so they can't cook up a story
between' em.
11. Don't ever march home the same way. Take a different route so you won't be ambushed.
12. No matter whether we travel in big parties or little ones, each party has to keep a scout 20 yards ahead, 20 yards on each
flank, and 20 yards in the rear so the main body can't be surprised and wiped out.
13. Every night you'll be told where to meet if surrounded by a superior force.
14. Don't sit down to eat without posting sentries.
15. Don't sleep beyond dawn. Dawn's when the French and Indians attack.
16. Don't cross a river by a regular ford.
17. If somebody's trailing you, make a circle, come back onto your own tracks, and ambush the folks that aim to ambush you.
18. Don't stand up when the enemy's coming against you. Kneel down, lie down, hide behind a tree.
19. Let the enemy come till he's almost close enough to touch, then let him have it and jump out and finish him up with
your hatchet.

Army Ranger Handbook - Ranger Creed

Ranger Creed

R ecognizing that I volunteered as a Ranger, fully knowing the hazards of my chosen profession, I will always endeavor to
uphold the prestige, honor, and high esprit de corps of the Rangers.
A cknowledging the fact that a Ranger is a more elite Soldier who arrives at the cutting edge of battle by land, sea, or air, I
accept the fact that as a Ranger my country expects me to move further, faster, and fight harder than any other soldier.
N ever shall I fail my comrades I will always keep myself mentally alert, physically strong, and morally straight and I will
shoulder more than my share of the task whatever it may be, G allantly one hundred percent and then some.
will I show the world that I am a specially selected and well trained Soldier. My courtesy to superior officers,
neatness of dress, and care of equipment shall set the example for others to follow.
E nergetically will I meet the enemies of my country. I shall defeat them on the field of battle for I am better trained and will
fight with all my might. Surrender is not a Ranger word. I will never leave a fallen comrade to fall into the hands of the enemy
and under no circumstances will I ever embarrass my country.
R eadily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight on to the Ranger objective and complete the mission, though I
be the lone survivor.